Podcast „Alles neu...? Aus dem Maschinenraum“

Episode #31: Angelique Renkhoff-Mücke


Podcast Episode 31

Angelique Renkhoff-Mücke | Warema: „Politics is putting obstacles in our way“

WAREMA Renkhoff SE

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Episoden Description

They have made it big with awnings and blinds – and become an important part of the value chain in the German construction sector: Warema from Marktheidenfeld in Lower Franconia, whose people sometimes call themselves "sunlight managers." The company's boss, Angelique Renkhoff-Mücke, is a determined woman who is calling for more support from the German government, as well as local authorities. "We feel that we are getting obstacles put in our way by politics," Angelique Renkhoff-Mücke says in the podcast "Alles Neu…? Aus dem Maschinenraum." "You quickly get pigeonholed as a business representative." Approval processes need to run faster and rules need to be simplified - in part to prevent Germany's housing shortage from getting worse. Angelique Renkhoff-Mücke wants to broaden her own company, which is why she is increasingly cooperating with startups. For example, the Warema Group got on board with Gropyus, a Berlin-based growth company that wants to use automation and serial wood construction to roll up the market for residential construction. "The question is also: How can we as a company improve our services so that construction becomes faster and cheaper?" says Angelique Renkhoff-Mücke. In the podcast - with Tobias Rappers, Managing Director of Maschinenraum and Capital editor Nils Kreimeier.


Angelique Renkhoff-Mücke

Angelique Renkhoff-Mücke is a shareholder and Chairwoman of the Board of WAREMA Renkhoff SE. In this position, she has successfully managed the family-owned company, which has existed since 1955 and is a typical hidden champion of the German SME sector, since 2001. With its strong network of brands, the Warema Group occupies a leading market position in Europe. In addition, Angelique Renkhoff-Mücke has been a collective bargaining negotiator and vice president of the vbm (Association of Bavarian Metal and Electrical Employers) since 2011. She is, among other things, Vice President of the BDA (Confederation of German Employers' Associations) and, since 2019, Co-Chair of the BDA's Digital Council. Furthermore, she holds various advisory and supervisory board mandates.

About the Podcast

How can the origin and future of Mittelstand companies be courageously united? What are the challenges facing family businesses and what experiences do they gather in digital transformation? These questions are answered by "Alles neu...? Aus dem Maschinenraum", the interview podcast for German Mittelstand*. Once a month, Tobias Rappers, Managing Director of Maschinenraum, and Nils Kreimeier, Senior Editor of the business magazine Capital, talk to thought leaders and makers from the heart of the German economy and focus on the personalities and their motivation.
*The podcast is in German.

For more episodes of „Alles neu...? Aus dem Maschinenraum“ please click here!

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