Worth listening! We portray the most exciting family businesses of our time. In our interview podcast we talk to entrepreneurs or CEOs of family businesses.

The interview podcast for medium-sized businesses

How can the origin and future of Mittelstand companies be courageously united? What are the challenges facing family businesses and what experiences do they gather in digital transformation? These questions are answered by “Alles neu...? Aus dem Maschinenraum“, the interview podcast for German Mittelstand*. Once a month, Tobias Rappers, Managing Director of Maschinenraum, and Katja Michel, Editor at the business magazine Capital, talk to thought leaders and makers from the heart of the German economy and focus on the personalities and their motivation.

At the end of each episode, our guests recommend a book that has inspired them, which is then presented to the next guest on "Alles Neu...? Aus dem Maschinenraum". The reading recommendations can be found on the digital bookshelf of the Maschinenraum book club.

Maschinenraum book club

*The podcast is in German.


Episode 49

New Year's special 2025

Horx Future


Episode 48

Matthias Lapp

Lapp Group

2410_Maschinenraum_Podcast_Alles-neu_Maximilian Offermann_Visual_4_3

Episode 47

Maximilian Offermann

BWF Group

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Episode 46

Per Ledermann


Maschinenraum Podcast_Bonita_Wolfgang_Grupp

Episode 45

Bonita and Wolfgang Grupp Jun.



Episode 44

Viktoria Schütz


240703_Maschinenraum_Podcast_Alles-neu_Podcast_Cover-Visuals_4_3_Friedemann-Wecker (1)

Episode 43

Friedemann Wecker



Episode 42

Sebastiaan Krol



Episode 41

Jochen Schweizer

Jochen Schweizer Group


Episode 40

Dr. Felix Kroschke

Kroschke Group

Podcast Andreas Reuter Schäfer Shop

Episode 39

Andreas Reuter

Schäfer Shop


Episode 38

Christiane Underberg

Semper idem Underberg


Episode 37

New Year's special

EOS, Phoenix Contact und WAREMA


Episode 36

Andreas and Daniel Sennheiser



Episode 35

Alexander Gerfer

Würth Elektronik

Pia & Günter Albers_ELA Container

Episode 34

Pia und Günter Albers

ELA Container


Episode 33

Christoph Werner

Chairman of the dm-Management Board


Episode 32

Ralf Putsch

Managing Partner at KNIPEX


Episode 31

Angelique Renkhoff-Mücke

Chairwoman of WAREMA

Wolf-Dieter Adlhoch, Dussmann

Episode 30

Wolf-Dieter Adlhoch

CEO of the Dussmann Group

Maschinenraum Isabel Bonacker Babor Beauty Group

Episode 29

Isabel Bonacker

Deputy Chairwoman of the Board

Episode 28

Niklas Koellner

Managing Director at Wenko-Wenselaar


Episode 27

Emese Weissenbacher und Thomas Fischer


Episode 26

Dr. Alexandra Kohlmann


Episode 25

Prof. Dr. Nadine Kammerlander & Jörg Rocholl, PhD


Episode 24

Mike Bucher

CEO & Chairman of the Board of Schöck AG

Episode 23

Anna & René Ruhland

Managing Directors at Myposter

Episode 22

Dr. Philipp Dehn

Managing Partner & CEO at DEHN

Episode 21

Dr. Heiner Lang

Managing Director at WAGO

Episode 20

Frank Seidensticker

Managing Partner at Seidensticker

Episode 19

Dina Reit

Co-Managing Director at machine builder SK LASER

Episode 18

Richard Grohe

Family Entrepreneur & Managing Director of Syngroh Capital

Episode 17

Bernard Krone

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of KRONE Group

Episode 16

Stephan Tahy

CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board of Duravit AG

Episode 15

Paul Niederstein

Managing Partner of The Coatinc Company

Episode 14

Clara & Dr. Eberhard Sasse

Sasse Group

Episode 13

Kerstin Hochmüller

CEO at Marantec Company Group

Episode 12

Max Viessmann

Co-CEO at Viessmann Group

episode 11

Cornelia & Philipp Horsch

CEOs at Horsch

episode 10

Jan-Hendrik Goldbeck


Episode 9

Dr. Gunther Wobser

Managing Director at Lauda

Episode 8

Andreas Krengel

Board member at WEPA

Episode 7

Werner Conrad

Chairman of the Board of Directors at Conrad Electronic

Episode 6

Marie Langer


Episode 5

Jens Fiege

CEO at Fiege Logistik

Episode 4

Konstantin Sixt

Chief Sales Officer at SIXT SE

Episode 3

Anna Maria Braun

Chairwoman of the Board at B. Braun Melsungen

Episode 2

Simon Vestner

CEO at Digital Spine

Episode 1

Frank Stührenberg

CEO at Phoenix Contact

Katja Michel & Tobias Rappers

As founding Managing Director of Maschinenraum GmbH, Tobias Rappers has built an ecosystem of more than 70 German-speaking family businesses since 2019 to support them in their digital and sustainable transformation. He has extensive knowledge in the strategic and practical design of transformation processes and values the DNA of the German Mittelstand, which is characterized by courage, trust and long-term thinking.

Before joining Maschinenraum, Tobias Rappers worked for seven years as a management consultant at Roland Berger. During his time there, he developed a new consulting approach as Managing Director of Spielfeld Digital Hub GmbH and successfully implemented it operationally.

Tobias Rappers holds a Master in Management and studied at the WFI School of Management, HHL Handelshochschule Leipzig, University Stellenbosch in South Africa and the Indian Institute of Management.

Tobias Rappers (on the right)

Managing Director Maschinenraum

Katja Michel

Katja Michel prefers to travel as a reporter. Because she writes a lot about SMEs, this often means traveling to the German provinces rather than the big wide world. She has been an editor at Capital since February 2022. Before that, she was a freelance correspondent in Istanbul, an editor at Gruner + Jahr Wirtschaftsmedien in Hamburg for Impulse magazine and a freelance author in Berlin. She studied politics, history and literature in Berlin and Rome and graduated from the Berlin School of Journalism. Her stories have won several awards, including the Herbert Quandt Media Prize

Katja Michel

Editor at Capital

Listen to and watch our intro for "Alles neu...? Aus dem Maschinenraum"

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